Friday, November 2, 2018

Essential things to consider before buying handicapped lifts

There are many different kinds of lifts available in the market. You see commercial lifts, residential lifts, and residential elevators. What we are going to discuss here is today are some of the key points you need to consider before buying a handicapped lift for your residence. The handicapped lift lets the person in a wheelchair navigate all the areas of his residence easily and safely.
Following are some of the important things you need to consider before buying one:

The type of lifts
First that you need to think about is the type of lifts. You will get options like an inclined wheelchair and vertical lifts. The difference between the two is that vertical platform lifts are used when you need to navigate different levels of heights. Some 2 to 12 feet. Here, you don’t need any separate machine room. However, inclined platform lifts need a metal track which is attached to the wall of the staircase. The wheelchair then can be carried on the platform using this metal track. 

The length of the platform is important
The next thing that you need to consider is the length of the platform. Handicapped lifts can be modelled as per your requirements, so it’s important to know the length of the platform to accommodate the mobility equipment to let the wheelchair navigate easily. 

Location for the installation of a residential lift
Another important thing to consider is the location for the lift not only for the handicapped lifts but also for other types of lifts like the commercial lifts. Think about the most difficult area to access. Choosing the right location will help the wheelchair bounded person to navigate freely and perfectly in those areas. 

The floor space
Next is the floor space. For inclined platform lifts you will not need separate space. But for the vertical platform you will have to look for a separate space. Make sure that the lift fits into the allocated space perfectly. 

The height
Measure the height of your ceiling before installing the lift and then choose a handicapped lift which will fit into that space easily without making the space look smaller or inappropriate.

Load capacity
Make sure that the wheelchair you are choosing accompanies good load capacity. You can choose the load capacity which is anywhere between 500 to 750 lbs. 

Your budget
Now, the last thing that you need to consider is your budget. Your budget will help you to choose the best-handicapped lift for your home.
Choosing the right lift provider
Lastly, after evaluating all these points, you need to choose the right handicapped lift provider. Getting in touch with the right lift provider, be it for handicapped lifts or commercial lifts, will give you the best price in the market and will also do a perfect installation. You need these lifts to be fitted in the house to let the person bounded with a wheelchair to have a free mobility. Hence, contact Uppercut Elevator today and get all the answers for your questions.